About I Live Here I Give Here
Connecting you with causes you care about.
I Live Here I Give Here envisions a Central Texas where every community member is engaged in giving.
I Live Here I Give Here is on a mission to amplify giving in Central Texas through cultivating and creating deeper connections for givers and the issues they care about.
Belief Statement
I Live Here I Give Here believes that diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are vital for every Central Texan to engage in giving. We strive to embrace the broadest possible range of backgrounds including those of age, gender, race, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, geography, and economic background. We aspire to create access points that fit any giver’s ability to cultivate deeper connections for them and the issues they care about.
I Live Here I Give Here Strategic Lighthouses
Giving back to your community is easy when you have the right resources, and that’s just what I Live Here I Give Here provides. We connect Central Texans with local causes they care about. Our community-wide events and year-round programs for businesses, nonprofits, and individuals makes giving possible for everyone.
Amplify Austin Day is I Live Here I Give Here’s signature program, inspiring residents across a seven-county region to come together and support more than 700 local nonprofits during a single 24-hour period. And throughout the year, people use the AmplifyATX.org platform to connect with causes they love.
See Us Give and the Board Training Program help community members find their passion—and take action. These programs facilitate deep connections among residents and nonprofits, and help prepare people for giving opportunities and leadership.
So, what’s the impact? I Live Here I Give Here has activated more than 350,000 Central Texans to help raise $128.8 Million for 1,411 local nonprofits since 2007.
Since 2007, I Live Here I Give Here has inspired Central Texans to give back to their local community. It all started as a marketing campaign designed to increase awareness about the importance of local philanthropy and drive support for the organizations and initiatives serving those not fully participating in Austin’s growing prosperity. Joining forces, the Austin Community Foundation, United Way for Greater Austin, The Junior League of Austin, the Greater Austin Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, and Public Strategies, Inc., launched the initial public education effort.
Over the past 14 years, I Live Here I Give Here has grown, evolved, and made a transformative impact in the Central Texas community while remaining firmly rooted in its foundational values of collaboration and generosity. In 2013, we launched Amplify Austin Day to create Central Texas’s first 24-hour day of giving. In just 12 years, 750+ local nonprofit organizations have received more than $112.7 million from this campaign. The success of this program has paved the way for I Live Here I Give Here to produce additional year-round programs and activities that actively engage and empower individuals, companies, nonprofits, and foundations to be more generous and contribute to a more equitable community for all.