Corporate Impact on Local Nonprofits: 3 Austin Businesses Share Their Stories

The goal of Amplify Austin Day is really to encourage everyone in Central Texas to be engaged in giving back. Businesses play a HUGE role in this - not just by supporting the day financially, but also by encouraging their employees to also get engaged in giving back. We could talk all day about that impact, but why not hear directly from a few of the businesses that are doing the work alongside us.

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What's the Trick to Giving Back Regularly? Make a Giving Plan

Oh, wow - do I get overwhelmed by all that happens at the end of the calendar year… But one of the things that we do NOT have to cram into the end of the year is our giving. By thinking about giving throughout the year, we can make sure that we have a good understanding of what we can give and when, and ensure that we are giving back to the community in ways that work for us.

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The Struggling State of Our Austin Nonprofits

Post pandemic, many nonprofits do not have the additional revenue from compassionate recurring donors, nor from the extra government support. Nonprofits have been struggling - and it is getting more and more acute. Federal dollars are decreasing and there is a great deal of talk about the nonprofit financial cliff. We are already seeing the impacts…

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Is I Live Here I Give Here an Intermediary Organization?

Intermediary organizations are mission-driven organizations designed to channel local resources to where they are needed most.

Here’s what we do. We are connecting donors with those community organizations delivering the imperative charitable services. And by that definition, we are an intermediary. Here’s the thing, intermediary organizations come in many forms, from donor advised funds and giving circles to community foundations and fiscally sponsored projects. The use of intermediary organizations has grown tremendously in recent years.

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The Power of Giving Back: Why You Should Join a Nonprofit Board

“When I was 37 years old and had two small babies, it got harder to find the time to do physical volunteer work. That’s when I realized that I could give my time by joining the board of a nonprofit. At the time, I thought of it as the “grown up way” to volunteer - which is of course silly!” I Live Here I Give Here’s Executive Director, Piper Stege Nelson explores the power of giving through Board Service and offers her best takes on why someone should give back by joining a nonprofit board.

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Robynne Parkington