Celebrating the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. in Central Texas
This Monday, January 20, individuals and communities across the US will honor Martin Luther King Jr. and his nonviolent activism in the Civil Rights Movement, which protested racial discrimination. Here in Central Texas, there are many great ways you can celebrate.
The Central Texas MLK Community March kicks off on Monday, January 20, at 9:30 a.m. on the south steps of the Texas State Capitol for a rally. At the conclusion of the program, those gathered will march to Huston-Tillotson University for the MLK Festival. You can learn more here.
Other events include:
One of my favorite ways to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day and his legacy is through volunteerism. This day has also been deemed a day of service by the federal government, allowing us to join together in service to unite people, build bridges, and heal divides - much as MLK Jr. did.
In Austin and Central Texas, there are many ways to find places in need of service, including the Nonprofit Event Calendar on AmplifyATX.org, as well as sites like GivePulse, or VolunteerMatch.
Other opportunities include:
1/18 - Day of Service
1/20 - MLK Day of Youth Service Day
Do a deep dive into Martin Luther King Jr. and his work. The King Center is a great place to start!
As we enter 2025, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a perfect time to find new ways to support our community through service. Let’s go!