Home of Austin’s Largest Nonprofit Database

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Get to Know Our Programs:

Amplify Austin Day

Amplify Austin Day is the biggest giving event in Central Texas. During a single 24-hour period, residents across a seven-county region come together to support more than 700 nonprofits by making a donation on AmplifyATX.org.

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Board TRAINING Program

The annual Board Training Program is a full-day immersive course designed to prepare individuals who are interested in taking on board service at a nonprofit organization. 

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This quarterly online donor education series brings you a practical topic and lineup of experienced panelists to get you giving in a way that meets you where you are. If you’ve ever felt inspired to make an impact, this series is for you!

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Nonprofit Membership Program

This year round program helps local nonprofits connect more easily with residents across the Austin and Central Texas-area through events, networking, and the AmplifyATX.org platform.

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GivingTuesday is a global day of giving that takes place the Tuesday after Thanksgiving each year. I Live Here I Give Here has been serving as the Central Texas GivingTuesday Community Leader since 2017.

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AmplifyATX.org is an easy-to-use online platform that allows users to search and discover local nonprofits. You can find the causes you love, learn about the impact they make, and start giving back.

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Amplify Austin Day’s
Impact Since 2013

2024 Results: $10 Million Raised in 24 hours

  • $112.7 Million raised

  • 200,000 donORS

  • 1,411 Nonprofits Served

  • 7 Counties Supported



Search and discover local causes

AmplifyATX.org is an easy-to-use online platform that allows users to search and discover local giving opportunities. You can find the causes you love, learn about the impact they make, and start giving back.


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Giving Calculator:


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